Dr. Frederick F. Buechel, Jr. M.D. is a Super-Specialist in Partial Knee Replacement with Robotics. He is one of the worlds authorities on Mako Robotic Partial Knee Replacement and has performed over 1,500 Mako Robotic Assisted Partial Knee Replacements in the USA and internationally. He is a sought-after knee surgeon for his Outpatient, Mini-Incision, Tourniquet-Free, Mako Robotic Assisted Partial Knee Replacement.
Dr. Buechel is a highly experienced Lateral Partial Knee Replacement Specialist and uses the Mako Robot Partial Knee System to ensure a personalized precision implant installation for every lateral patient. Dr. Buechel has performed several hundred Robotic lateral partial knees and performs them routinely, and results are life-changing.
Lateral Partial Knees are Special! See A Specialist!
Dr. Frederick F. Buechel, Jr. M.D. is a Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, fellowship-trained in Joint Reconstruction from the University of Pennsylvania in Knee & Hip Replacement. He is the founder of the Robotic Joint Center in New York and Taiwan. Former Chairman of the Department of Surgery and Chief of Orthopaedics in Naples, Florida. He is a Stryker International Mako Partial & Total Knee Instructor and has launched programs in the USA and over 10 countries, performing the first Mako Partial Knees in Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Greece, Thailand, Vietnam, and China.
“The Details Matter”! Dr. Buechel is a meticulous partial knee replacement orthopaedic surgeon and is a master of lateral and medial partial knee replacement techniques that optimize patients’ outcomes. He has been using the Mako robotic system for over 12 years for his partial knees to ensure each patient’s knee installation is optimized. The robotic system allows Dr. Buechel to customize each patient’s installation to their specific anatomy and soft tissue tensions with precision robotic bone preparation and software-assisted knee motion optimization.
- He developed the 1st Advanced Mako™ Partial Knee Bio-Skills Course in USA
- He has published on his excellent partial knee patient satisfaction and outcome results
- He uses a mini-incision leaving a beautiful cosmetic skin closure
- He cuts no muscle
- No tourniquet is used reducing your risk for blood clots
- All his partial knees are performed as an Outpatient Procedure
- You can shower the next day
- Your motion will improve with a more natural feel
- All 4 knee ligaments are preserved
- There is less pain and a rapid recovery
- Less bone is removed with the Mako system than traditional partial knees
- Performed the First Mako Surgeries in Asia in 2012 and Europe in 2013
- He was the Mako Launch Surgeon & Proctor more than 10 countries including the USA, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Taiwan, Vietnam, China and Australia.