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Advantages of Mako-Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery

Stryker Mako Robotic Knee Replacement System and implants

Using Mako™ robotic assistance in partial or full knee replacement surgeries is a technological revolution. There are several clear benefits over traditional approaches that suitable candidates will enjoy. Dr. Frederick F. Buechel, Jr. MD is a leading orthopedic surgeon in New York who can offer superior outcomes using advanced techniques. Some of the issues with… Read More

Save Time with Online or Phone Consultation with the Robotic Joint Center

A woman with laptop during an online consultation.

Is your knee condition becoming unbearable? Sufferers of joint conditions may find it difficult to find the right surgeon in New York. Determining if you are a good candidate for knee replacement involves a medical consultation. If you struggle to attend physical appointments, there are other solutions available. The Robotic Joint Center offers two remote… Read More

Weight Gain and Knee Pain Connection

Frederick F. Buechel, Jr. MD

When you look at the scale and it is telling you things you do not want to hear, just know that you are in the same boat as millions of people around the world. In these unprecedented times, many individuals have put on extra pounds during the time regular routines came to a screeching halt.… Read More

Arthritis Knee Pain Can Lead to Limited Mobility

Dr. Buechel presenting pre and post-operative x-rays of his knee replacement patient.

If you are beginning to feel pain in one or both knees, do not ignore the warning signs. Persistent pain, stiffness or swelling around the knee cap may indicate one of several health conditions. Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis and infection are common causes of joint problems. Diagnosis is the first step toward achieving permanent… Read More

3 Major Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr. Buechel performing physical exam

Many people who suffer from chronic knee pain may not find adequate relief through medication or bracing. When joint pain significantly interferes with normal daily activities, you may want to consider knee replacement surgery as a viable treatment option for a better quality of life. This surgery can offer several advantages over traditional surgical procedures.… Read More

What Dr. Buechel Does to Improve your Partial Knee Outcomes

Dr. Buechel presenting post-operative x-rays of a patient after total knee replacement

Knee Positioner for Exposure and safety Dr. Buechel uses a Specialized Padded leg holder designed to support your leg safely during the partial knee procedure (IMP Leg Holder) Infection control Dr. Buechel wears a Joint Replacement Space Suit with lighted helmet for optimal visualization and protection Adhesive Drapes are used to seal skin during surgery… Read More

What are the Keys to a Successful Partial Knee Replacement?

partial knee replacement implant

Choosing an experienced orthopaedic partial knee surgeon who knows how to determine the right patients for the procedure. Dedication to a proper rehabilitation program to optimize a successful and rapid recovery Surgeon Responsibilities Optimizing the incision, meticulous handling of the soft tissues, avoid cutting muscle, cosmetic skin closure. Installing the implants precisely & optimally (Robotic… Read More

Knee Joint Preservation Treatment Options

A person with knee pain touching the painful knee area.

Many biological components can be replaced with synthetic versions, but the natural components are almost always the best option for function. It is usually best to repair and preserve a tooth versus replacing it with an implant, and the same is true for your joints. While Dr. Buechel and our team at Robotic Joint Center… Read More

Benefits of Partial Knee Replacement

Robotic Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Patient Testimonial

It is estimated that of the knee replacement surgeries performed in the U.S., only 10% or less are partial versus over 90% total knee replacement procedures. The majority of orthopedic surgeons that perform knee replacement surgeries focus on total knee replacement, only handling a few cases a year of partial knee replacement surgeries. Despite these… Read More

Robotic Mako Total and Partial Knee Replacement: Dr. Buechel & Patient 2017

Frederick F. Buechel, Jr. MD

Dr. Frederick Buechel, Jr. MD Performs a Mako Robotic Total Knee Replacement Surgery & Robotic Partial Knee Replacement Surgery on same-day at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Patient’s story 5 weeks post-op. Here’s a transcription of the video for you to read: Joe: My name is Joe. I’m a patient of Dr. Buechel. I’m… Read More

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